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Store & Thaw Colostrum

£1,495.00 excl VAT

• Double walled, insulated plastic water bath
• With drainage tap and lid
• With 2 stainless steel baskets capable of handling 2 x 4 litres of frozen colostrum
• Water heater controlled by digital thermostat accurate to within 0.3°C
• Audible timer
• Circulator to eliminate 'hot spots'
• Mobile pocket timer
• Made in Britain

Please see below for delivery information

For new users of the Store & Thaw, we recommend you also purchase the Starter Kit.
Full of all the essentials to ensure you can collect, store and pasteurize colostrum effectively.

Product Code SOL-STCU

Product Description


Many calves do not receive sufficient colostrum in the first 6 hours of life. Keeping a bank of frozen colostrum is an efficient way to make sure every calf gets a good start in life. Colostrum is a vital first feed. Calves acquire passive immunity from their dam’s colostrum and without it they are vulnerable to disease, leading to poor growth, higher vet & medicine bills and poor performance.

Dairy farms with a Johne’s Contol Programme will need to discard diseased colostrum from ‘red’ & ‘amber’ cows and feed healthy colostrum as a substitute. The Store & Thaw can also be used for pasteurising colostrum – set at 60°C for 60 mins. This has to be easily accessible and easily heated up for quick delivery.

A quick thaw means that any residual bacteria have only a short time to incubate. So a quick, efficient thawing process means a healthier sample of colostrum for the calf.

More colostrum:
  • Means less calf hood disease
  • Means faster growth
  • Means higher yielding heifers
  • Means more pregnant heifers

Contents List

Store & Thaw Thawing Tank contains:

  • Water heater/agitator, controlled by digital thermostat
  • Double walled bath with drainage tap, overflow and lid
  • 2 stainless steel baskets
  • Pocket timer

Store & Thaw Starter Kit contains:

  • Refractometer
  • Store & Thaw 5 litre Reusable Colostrum bags and screw caps 40
  • Store & Thaw stainless steel filling bracket (wall mounted)
  • Jug & Funnel with wide bore
  • Freezer labels 150
  • Plastic freezer baskets 2
  • Thermometer
  • Laminated, wall mounted instructions
  • Freezer pen
Buy Starter Kit

Easy, hygienic storage and thawing of frozen colostrum

Features & Key Accessories

Why choose Store & Thaw?

Store & Thaw

The Store & Thaw System

Allows colostrum to be tested, packaged & frozen. The thawing system defrosts colostrum rapidly and can also be used for pasteurisation if required.

Store & Thaw

Efficient Collection

Allows efficient collection of colostrum so that it can be tested and frozen for future use.

Store & Thaw

RABDF Award Winner 2016

The RABDF Livestock Machinery and Equipment Award made to the product that delivers the most economic value to the livestock sector was presented to Pyon Products at the Livestock Event held at The NEC, Birmingham on 6 and 7 July.

Store & Thaw

Good Start

The calf benefits from a good start whenever it is born, and the farmer benefits from a better lifestyle, establishing a good protocol throughout the day and night.

Store & Thaw

Starter Kit

This kit contains a colostrometer or refractometer for testing, a filling station, jug and funnel with 40 bags .It also has freezer trays, labels & pen. A thermometer is included to check the feeding temperature. Available separately.

Store & Thaw

Thawing & Pasteurising Tank

The portable heater/stirrer unit clamps to the side and the insulated lid prevents heat escaping.It can be set at a max of 50°C for warming colostrum or 60°C for 60 mins for pasteurisation.

Store & Thaw

Storage Bags

Store & Thaw Colostrum bags are multi layered with welded seams for extra strength. The wide mouth corner gland allows for quick filling and emptying. They are 5 litre bags which can be filled with up to 4 litres of colostrum, but a quicker thaw will be achieved storing 2 litres of colostrum per bag. Available for separate online purchase soon.

Store & Thaw

Colostrum feeders

The Speedyfeeder bottle comes with a teat and a tube alternative. The bottle has a valve to allow a fast or slow flow. Our most popular feeding bottle to date. We recommend the 4 litre version.

While the majority of calf rearers like to tip the colostrum into a teated feeding bottle, sometimes it’s quicker to feed via an oesophageal tube. It’s important that a Vet shows a novice how to use a tube, as incorrect use can cause drowning.

Store & Thaw

Trusti Tuber

We offer 2 tubes which connect directly to the Store & Thaw bag. Feeding direct from the bag can prevent contamination from a dirty bottle.

The Trusti Tuber is a novel product designed by a Vet from New Zealand. The tube has graduated weights marked on it, so it gives a guide on how far to insert the tube for a 20kg, 50kg, 80kg and 110kg calf. It comes complete with a Store & Thaw bag connector.

Store & Thaw

Mini Calf Feeder

The Mini Calf Feeder is a tube with a small bulb designed to be comfortable for small breeds and premature calves. It comes complete with a Store & Thaw bag connector and a pinch clamp on the tube.

Store & Thaw

Colostrum Carrier Bag

Handling a wet slippery calf and a colostrum bag requires patience and dexterity. We provide a colostrum carrier bag so the warm colostrum can be lowered when inserting the tube, carried across the shoulder, or hooked onto a hurdle when dispensing by gravity. The rope bag has an adjustable strap and is reusable, robust and washable.

Store & Thaw


Check you have good colostrum


Here's what our customers said.

“I am very happy with The Store and Thaw product. It is a simple system that has enabled our colostrum protocols to be implemented with ease ensuring that all colostrum is stored in an easy hygienic way and then thawed quickly for feeding. We can be sure all our calves get the best possible start in life”

"I like having an organised system. The machine is always ready, and anyone can use it. The bags are easy to fill, freeze and defrost. The Speedy-feeder encourages the calves to suck soon after birth. Our blood results show antibody transfer is really good since changing to the Store & Thaw system"

“Since we started freezing and thawing our best colostrum, our blood protein results are generally 8 or more, and calf health is excellent. The Store & Thaw bags are quick to heat up in the water bath and the system saves a lot of time.”

Store & Thaw


Thawing Tank Specification

The double walled insulated tank houses 2 stainless steel baskets, the portable Thaw Unit clamps to the side, and the insulated lid prevents heat escaping.

Routine thawing of 2x2 litres at 50℃ takes 12 minutes to reach a feeding temperature of 39℃.

As this equipment is capable of holding a steady water temperature of 60℃ for 60 minutes, a simple pasteurisation protocol is included with the instructions.

Tank measurements: Front-520mm, Side-590mm, Height-500mm (Excluding the thaw unit)

Tank weight approx. 60 Kgs when full. Place on level surface. An aluminium platform is available as an optional extra

Heater/Agitator Specification

The Thaw unit is a precision instrument, combining a heater digital thermostat and stirrer. Designed to keep the temperature of the bath accurate to within 0.3 ℃, creating a flow of warm water within the tank around the bags.

Manufactured to a high standard in the UK and carries a 3 year, back to base warranty.

Store & Thaw

Baskets Specification

The baskets are made from electro- plated stainless steel. The pre formed frozen bags are loaded, clipped in place and suspended with a retaining rod to allow maximum contact with circulating warm water, preventing potential ‘hot spots’.

We recommend 2 litre quantities for a quick thaw, but they will accommodate up to 4 litres.

Store & Thaw

Store & Thaw Colostrum Storage Bags Specification

Store & Thaw Colostrum bags are multi layered with welded seams for extra strength. The wide mouth corner gland allows for quick filling and emptying.

They are 5 litre bags which can be filled with up to 4 litres of colostrum, but a quicker thaw will be achieved storing 2 litres of colostrum per bag.

They can be used once and discarded (recycled), or re-used up to four times (with care). They are transparent so residues can be easily seen.

Only re-use the bag if you have a hygienic operator!

Store & Thaw bags are made from food grade plastics and can be frozen down to -20℃ and reheated.

The gland is sealed with a hygienic plastic pull ring. This should be removed before filling.

The screw cap makes the bag leak proof, so it can be frozen and thawed in a water bath at less than 50℃. It can safely be used for pasteurisation at 60℃

Lay the bag flat in the black freezer trays provided for freezing.

Wash Routine

  • Rinse out with cold water.
  • Rinse out with hot water and dairy circulation cleaner.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Make sure it looks visually clean and free from residue first. Use a soft bottle brush if necessary.
  • Hang up and leave to drain.
  • Just before reuse, swill out with diluted peracetic acid disinfectant for water systems. Use at 50ml in 10L of water (0.5%)

Store & Thaw

Please note that due to the size of this product additional postal charges are likely to be applied. 
If you are purchasing this product with other items we will do our best to send orders together rather than separately to minimise postal charges, however this may not always be possible. Thank you.
Manufacturer: Pyon

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