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FarmWorks Release Notes

The latest version of FarmWorks software is 1.8.95, released November 2023, which is compatible with the Workabout Pro and X6 Stock Recorders (software versions 1.50.5+ and 2.2.0+ respectively).

For customers who have subscribed to the support / upgrade option and are currently running FarmWorks version 1.8.58 or later, provided you have an Internet connection you will be notified of this upgrade on starting up the software and be able to upgrade at that point. If for any reason you need to upgrade from a hard copy of the software please let us know.

Changes implemented since version 1.8.81 (the last major release) include:

Allow X6 connectivity to Trutest 3000 and 5000 series weigh heads
Updated LIS address for sheep movement documents
Improved response times for X6 (especially treatments, drafting and groups)
Resolved error with certain combination of functions in multiple actions on X6
Provide for LIS sheep movement recording replacing ARAMS in England
ScotMovesPlus download and compare for cattle
5534 Animals should be selected as breeding stock at tupping
5554 Animal Details report - DLWG not calculated for birth to weaning, weaning to latest - fault
5594 Missing AI sires on NSIP export file and detailed error messages
5598 Import weights directly from TruTest weigh head
5602 Age of slaughtered animal incorrect when importing kill data
5606 Export file for Canada - deaths and tag changes for animals with EID
5611 Genovis export error when closing too quickly
5616 Provide more feedback during web updates
5618 Breedplan Export Errors Excel 2013
5625 Comment text size inconsistency
5628 User defined FarmAssurance Schemes removed on upgrade
5631 Record slaughter weight - internationalisation.
5632 TB test report - option to sort by test group
5653 Additional breed codes for cattle.
5666 Breedplan births export file - changes to format
5668 Soil Association withdrawal periods - change defaults for new purchases to match F&G
5670 Enable any 'Grade' to be entered for slaughtered animals
5671 Annual Flock Report not combining similar records and unable to handle very large numbers of Herd ID's
5676 DLWG report to show breed and additions to sort options
5677 Treatments report - footer listing medicines used
5680 DLWG Not showing on slaughter report
5705 Treatment end date should default to start date
5707 Locations / Movements report - sort by tag number
5710 Medicine withdrawal periods - display message making them obvious on purchase.
5715 Error producing the comments report
5718 'Unusual' holding names prevent data import from Stock Recorder
5719 Allow for animal sync ID's on data import from Stock Recorder
5727 Allow entry of 'Type of Production' on Holding Register (England)
5729 Error on date selection (Add Current Animals)
5731 Allow a zero in the default flock mark on FarmWorks
5733 Drafting set up not available under X6 sync options
5737 Deleting animals from management groups on Stock Recorder
5738 Error on warning screen after recording sale of animals at market
5741 TB test sorting
5743 Add support for CPH numbers for abattoirs
5747 Error after exporting NSIP csv file in U.S.
5748 Recording slaughter - abattoir has disappeared from the grid
5752 Prevent error importing from Stock Recorder where no Flock number present
5754 Allow UK4nnnnn herd numbers
5756 Import from Signet menu option out of place
5706 Very slow response time in Flock
5750 Dunbia FCI
5726 Ewe lambs can be recorded as ewes on purchase (Scotland)
5732 Grades - sorting on report

If you are experiencing a problem you may find the answer in Software Tips, or in the FarmWorks and Stock Recorder manuals available on the Manuals page.

If you cannot find a related article or a solution to your problem or if you would prefer to deal with someone directly, then please contact us by email or telephone.