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FarmWorks Classic - Complete (Cattle, Sheep & Flock)

£525.00 excl VAT
FREE when you buy our Stock Recorder

Would you like to make more use of your animal records? Or to get help meeting statutory requirements for record keeping and movement notification? FarmWorks Classic is the ideal livestock management program that helps turn livestock data into useful and usable management information. And it produces immaculate paperwork too!

Tried and tested over years, under continuous development to meet new requirements and with superb support, FarmWorks Classic is easy to use and at the same time exceptional in scope.

Please contact us for further information.

Product Code SDL-FWCS
Enquire Or call 01643 841611

Product Description

Data capture and transfer is the key to the future of the Farming Industry. FarmWorks Classic is a complete management program for the cattle and sheep farmer with data transfer capabilities second to none. We are working with abattoirs and markets for direct transfer of information between farmers and their establishments for immediate exchange of information. FarmWorks Classic will be the key to these links. If you do have any queries please contact us.

For a free demonstration disc please click here. You can evaluate the fully functional program for a period of 30 days.


FarmWorks Classic - Complete

Comprising Cattle, Sheep and Flock. Fully compatible with the Shearwell Data EID systems.

Includes one year's technical support via telephone with FarmWorks Classic software updates.

 Farm Software FarmWorks Classic when you buy our Shearwell Stock Recorder with Integrated Reader.


Annual Support

Software support is included for the first year. This provides telephone support and program updates as well as access to our customer support Website. After this period we will offer continued support for an annual fee.

FarmWorks Classic Complete - £115

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Shearwell is a founder member of ALIDMA, the industry body for UK animal identification manufacturers and suppliers ALIDMA logo