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EID Readers

To read EID tags electronically  you need an EID reader! We offer both fixed and handheld readers.

Fixed readers are fitted in a race, crate or crush and are made up of an antenna connected to a reader box.

Our Stick Reader and Stock Recorder both feature self contained readers. The Stick Reader can either be used on its own to record tag reads that can be downloaded later to a desktop computer or phone app or can be linked with a phone running one of our apps or a weigh head to record more detailed information.

The Stock Recorder can read tags using the built in reader or be paired with a Bluetooth enabled fixed reader, typically in a Shearwell or Te Pari crate to make detailed data collection a breeze. This flexibility means that the one device lends itself to both batch tasks like recording weights and drench doses and to individual tasks like recording lambs against their dam as they are tagged.