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Combi 3000 Junior Applicator

£24.75 excl VAT
Only for use with Combi 3000 Tags.

FREE Applicator with your first order
of 200 Tags or 100 Pairs of Tags

See offer T&Cs below

Combi Cattle, Combi Sheep, EID E30 Cattle and EID E23 Sheep

A spare Combi 3000 black coloured pin is included in the handle of this applicator

Product Code SDL-ACJ3000

Product Description

Free applicator terms and conditions
T&Cs - Only one free applicator per account. Applicator is a Combi 3000 Junior applicator for applying Combi 3000 range of tags, E30 tags & E23 button. 100 pairs = 100 primary & 100 secondary tags. Ordering less? Pay for applicator initially, once you have ordered 200 tags or 100 pairs, £24.75 will be credited to your account.

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Shearwell is a founder member of ALIDMA, the industry body for UK animal identification manufacturers and suppliers ALIDMA logo