The Stock Recorder links to other Shearwell electronic equipment that can make your job even easier. Because these products are all designed, built and tested by Shearwell, you can be sure they are fully compatible and ready to work together.

Shearwell Stick Reader
This rugged tag reader links via Bluetooth to the Stock Recorder to extend your reach. Use it to scan sheep crowded in a pen, or reach out to scan cows and calves on grass.
The stick reader is also a stand-alone tag reader that stores thousands of tag numbers, or can link to a PC, a mobile printer or our Stock Move Express phone app.
EID Weigh Crate
This crate comes complete with a Tru-Test digital scale plus a Shearwell race reader. Put a sheep in the crate and its weight and tag number are automatically sent to the Stock Recorder, which can be downloaded later into FarmWorks Classic on your PC. This system fits in your race to make weighing lambs a breeze – run them through regularly to track growth rates, then sell the right lamb at the right weight to the right customer.
Record even more information with the Stock Recorder while you weigh – enter comments or medical treatments against each animal at the same time.

EID Auto Drafter
This versatile crate combines EID tag reading with capturing weight and other details on the Stock Recorder, then allows you to draft three ways based on weight or any other criteria. Use the power of FarmWorks Classic to sort out breeding groups for tupping, or draft lambs by sex or sire, or if they were born twins or triplets. Easily separate cull animals for shipping just by adding a comment in FarmWorks Classic!
The auto drafter can be operated manually too – open and close the pneumatic gates with a remote control. Or set up your own custom draft in FarmWorks Classic and then let the crate run automatically while you stand back and keep the sheep coming up the race.
Mobile Printer
This rugged little printer links with Bluetooth to the Stock Recorder. Record tag numbers on the Stock Recorder then send to the printer for a list to attach to travel documents.