


(this page)

Record medical treatments and procedures in the race, shed or pasture.


Flock health and food safety go hand in hand. Record medical treatments and procedures in the race, shed or pasture. Track medicines and drug withdrawal times so you can ship animals with confidence.


  Why record Treatments?

Record treatments:

  • to keep your medicine book up to date
  • to avoid selling treated sheep
  • to meet farm assurance scheme requirements
  • to track medicine costs

Use a treatment report:

  • to find individual sheep with chronic problems
  • to schedule vaccination and worming
  • to identify sheep still in withdrawal
  • to calculate drug costs

Treatments on the Stock Recorder

Farmer's PC
Stock recorder
Sheep Procedures screen
Treatment screen
Select Option screen

Sample FarmWorks Classic Reports

Click on the links below to view a sample treatments related report:

Image of a report

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